Skill Week

Welcome to Travel Photography Competition 2024

Introduction to the Competition.

A photograph holds the power to convey the essence of a thousand words. A powerful photo should not only captivate the viewer but also convey the profound story that the photographer seeks to communicate.

Glocal After School invites photographers nationwide to contribute their unique perspectives, unveiling the inherent harmony between humanity and nature that defines the beauty of our home country. The competition, themed “Harmony of Humanity and Nature,” aims to capture the seamless connection between people and the natural world, showcasing the coexistence and interconnectedness of human cultures with the environment. This competition invites you to explore and portray the symbiotic relationship between humanity and the diverse landscapes of Nepal, from serene mountain villages to bustling urban life.


  • Should be a Nepali citizen;
  • Should be from the age group of 16 – 30 years;
  • Should submit their photography on the theme – “Harmony of Humanity and Nature.”

Guidelines for Submissions:

  • A participant should submit a maximum of 1 photo.
  • The image should be in JPEG/PNG Format.
  • Each photo that is submitted needs to have a special title and description that conveys the photographer’s viewpoint.
  • Each photo that is uploaded needs to be an original creation taken by the participants. The usage of someone else’s work or plagiarism will get you disqualified.
  • Photos that portray or otherwise include inappropriate and/or offensive content, including provocative nudity, violence, human rights and/or environmental violation, and/or any other contents deemed to be contrary to the law, religious, cultural & moral traditions, and practices of Nepal, are strictly prohibited and will be immediately discarded.
  • Entries must be submitted via the official skill week platform. Entries sent in other ways will not be accepted. 
  • Winning photographs will be selected based on technical skill and photo merit (composition, clarity, creativity, and visual impact) and the ability of the images to capture the essence of Harmony of Humanity and Nature.

Submission Deadline: March 24, 2024, by 7:00 pm (Nepal Standard Time).

Prize: The winner of this competition will get a cash prize of 

NPR. 5,000.